About Dr. Allison Mangrum
Education and Credentials
“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”
-Lau Tzu

Degree in Psychology from the University of Utah
Doctorate Degree in Physical Therapy from the University of Utah
Quantum-Touch Energy-Certified Therapist
200-Hour Certified Meditation Instructor from the Veda Center
Certified Life Coach
Courses completed from the Upledger Institute
CranioSacral Therapy I-IV
Healing from the Core
Heart-Centered Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy Level I-IV
Healing from the Core
Heart-Centered Therapy
Founder & Owner of Conscious Living Physical and Energetic Therapy
Working privately with clients to expand their healing journey through hands-on technique incorporating the physical and energetic body
Founder & Owner of Living Consciously Meditation Workshops
Teaching two-day meditation and self-reflection workshops
24-Hour Fitness
Teaching yoga and total body conditioning classes
Biggest Life Accomplishments:
Happily married to the same man for 20 years
Proud mother of three rowdy boys who bring Henry David Thoreau’s words to life: “All good things are wild and free.”
All of us have our “thing.” Maybe yours is depression, perfectionism, control, the need to please, anger, resentment, insecurity, or feeling of inadequacy. Mine has always been anxiety. It doesn’t really matter what your “thing” is, left unmanaged it grabs a hold of your life in ways you never could have imagined. My desire to conquer anxiety is what led me on my quest of self-discovery. Ironically, what I found is that true peace is not found in a fight, but rather in a surrender.
Anxiety has been with me ever since I can remember. To some extent you could say I was born with it. Certainly, you can look back at the multitude of traumas my childhood provided and justify the feeling of fear and dread I carried. However, the truth is we don’t always need a good reason to be the way we are; sometimes that’s just how it is. As a kid, my anxiety manifested in obsessive compulsive behaviors (OCD). I would wash my hands until they bled, count obsessively in my head, and navigate a plethora of behaviors only I understood. As a teenager I realized those behaviors couldn’t go on. So, I masked the anxiety with a wide range of rebellious activities. If I'm honest, I am amazed I made it out of this period. However, the true damage anxiety instilled in my life didn’t come until my adulthood.
I lived every moment in fear and weighed every decision against the worst case scenario. Looking back, I don’t think the fear itself would have been enough for me to make a change. No, it was the fact that anxiety was robbing me of truly experiencing my life, or really enjoying the small moments. Most importantly it was damaging the relationships I cared the most about. Standing paralyzed on the sideline watching my life pass me by was finally enough for me to seek a new path.
For years I would pray that bad things wouldn’t happen. One day I changed that prayer and started searching to find peace in whatever came --
that has made all the difference. My journey has not been perfect. It has been sloppy and chaotic. I have failed just as many times as I have succeeded. Yet each time I have chosen to live the principles I will teach you, each time I have stopped and sat inside myself, I have made my way back to light and found peace.
I remember taking my first yoga class at 18 years old. It was a few months after my dad had taken his life with a heroin overdose. Somewhere between down dog and pigeon, emotions started welling up inside me and I spent the entire time in savasana with tears flowing down my face. I left that day feeling so light with a spark of an idea inside my mind. I could see that somehow our bodies can release our emotions and this is intricately linked to healing. I quickly certified in yoga and started teaching at local gyms. I then decided to go after a Bachelor's degree in Psychology to learn all I could about the mind and emotions. The more time I spent in my body, however, the more convinced I became that true healing needed to involve all parts, body, mind, and soul together. With this realization, I set off to learn everything I could about the physical body and received a Doctorate degree in physical therapy. Shortly after

graduation I was overcome with a feeling that there was more, a way to bring these two worlds of Eastern Philosophy and Western Science together. Through a series of random events, I stumbled upon the Upledger Institute where I studied Craniosacral Therapy and felt like someone finally handed me the manual with the things I had been looking for. This was the piece that explains the way to bring together the body and mind. As I worked with people, I began to pick up on their energetic body and tapped into a whole new world I had not known. Energized to seek more understanding,
I obtained a certification in Energy Healing through Quantum Touch. In working privately with clients and combining all that I had learned over the years, I saw many amazing transformations and was honored to be a part of their healing journeys. Soon, however, I again felt that there was something more. Though I had been practicing meditation for years, I was primarily self-taught, so I moved forward and received a 200-hour meditation certification from the Vedic Center. Finally, I felt the circle was complete. I wanted a way to deliver all that I had learned, all that had transformed my life, to even more people than I currently could reach. And so this workshop was born.
My workshop is a carefully curated collection of all that I have learned by both sitting inside myself and standing on the shoulders of the giants who had come before me. The true power of everything I have studied came to me only when I consistently sat inside myself, choosing to live by the guiding principles I will share with you and using the tools taught, even in the moments it felt impossible. For each time I did so, peace and light came and I expanded in ways I never knew possible. Suddenly, I realized the things I thought I so desperately needed: peace, security, support, and a sense of belonging had been there all along. I just needed to let them in. This workshop is not about becoming perfect; it's about gaining tools to help you work through your perfectly imperfect life. It's your willingness to surrender to peace, regardless of what is going on around you. True peace is within you now. Start your journey to find it.